So here is what I have been doing.
One I have been writing once a week for Fez... we bought each other (and his mom) a StoryWorth subscription for the holidays this year. I am learning so much about both Fez and his Mom... it's amazing. I feel like I am pretty open with Fez about everything so I try to answer his questions in a new and interesting way. Honestly... and I am not joking here... not even a little... when I read the entry that Jenny Lawson (who is gawddamned brilliant... ) posted I knew that this was something totally up our alleys. Fez's Mom is a writer at heart... her stories are amazing... I love getting to know her this way. Fez as a writer always blows me away... so I challenge myself too with the questions that I ask him. Thank you dear dear Jenny Lawson for all that you do with your blog, instagram and twitter... you made our creative hearts zing with joy with the Storyworth suggestion. If anyone is looking to do it... I think I have a discount code in my account... hit me up and I am happy to share it... it's really cool.
This week's question from Fez was a question about how I rebelled as a child. Not so much a child but a pre-teen. My Dad owned a meat packing plant. I became a vegetarian. Yep. I was the "I don't eat things with a face" brat. Don't worry I turned it around... meat is good.
(f' you Morrissey).
I basically posted my answer to the story prompt with a picture of my Dad that literally is my most favorite picture of him ever. Standing with sides smiling. It sits on my desk. My Dad is awesome. And no you can't see the picture here... because he is intensely private. So I honor him by not sharing it here.
This StoryWorth thing is really fantastic, and honestly... something I am getting so much out of. Every week I just love getting these tales. Note that Fez hasn't read his Mom's stories yet, that will come at the end of the year... he is definitely in for a treat... she is amazing. I wish that it was something my family would do but I just don't think it would be as much of a "hit" with them.
I am less off the cuff and more thoughtful in my writing of my stories and it's really nice. It's not an off the cuff blog post. Or whatever... I am thoughtful about it and it's more creative than I have been with my writing since college.
TWO I have also been reading quite a bit. I hate that I am reading all the time on my iPad but honestly it's super stupid easy. I have gotten through four Harry Potter books. I am mid way right now through Goblet of Fire... oh those tasks Harry! Who put your name in? I need to know.... !!! When the books originally came out, I was not a fan. Not even a little. I tired of the story about 75 pages into the first one and then I gave up. I gave my collection away. Wasn't going to do it. Then a really great fellow at the office said... and I quote him here.... "become a 10 year old for a little while, it's worth it". Boom. I am in. It really is a great place. I try to get at least 10 pages in a day. Sometimes it's easier than others. This week has been not as easy. But I have been side tracked.
Oh why pray tell.... Well let me tell ya honey... I got a galley copy of ...

(not an affiliate link btw)
HOLY BROADWAY BABY.... I was thrilled, pickled, tickled and over the moon. There is something that I just heart about this young man (and I say young man... because lets be honest... I did just look his age up and yes he is younger than me) and was thrilled to see he had a bio / autobio out. I am halfway in... and as I have been asked before... what would you do if you saw (insert name but it this case Andrew Rannells) on the street.... honey I would go up to him and buy him a pizza.
I am really loving this book.
When I finish I will get more into it....
It releases March 12th... three days from now... it is WORTH IT... so so good.
Here is a picture from the publisher from the Amazon page... don't judge me for double posting pictures that if you go to the page you have already seen... just to give you some sparkle and idea.. how this is...

Three What else have I been up to?
So I have also pledged to not make the same dinner more than twice in one month since the beginning of the year. I was in a heeeeeeyuge rut and pretty much made the same things over and over again.... not only did that change in October due to some shit going on (that I am NOT talking about here at all yet) but because I was so bored cooking everynight that I literally did this: Monday: grilled cheese or pizza, Tuesday: tacos, Wednesday: asian slaw salad..... blech you get the drift. So on Sundays now I plan out meals from things I have pinned or saved links for in the past month. I can not hoard these pins any more... put up or shut up with the pins already. It was a vision board but it's been a link graveyard. So I am working on that.... so far I have made 45 new recipes. Not all have been winners but I feel better about trying new things.
Four Wednesday this week I decided... I am going to make a card a day. Again to one, jumpstart my creative artistic side. Two, use up some of the damned hoarded pins and three, use the supplies that I have so that I can justify buying more.
I didn't buy any supplies at all in December and January and just a few things in February. But I wanted to make sure that I used what I have at least partially. I also have decided that I am going to design some new cut files for my Cameo too. That has been a nice challenge because I am not a designer at heart, but am learning to really dig it. I am learning a new skill of sorts so that isn't a bad thing at all.
I have used some old supplies that I bought years ago too which is really nice.
I am really stretching myself to not just copy (ie: CASE - craft and share everything) what I see but use the image I find to inspire. It has been great so far... and yes I am only a couple days into this thing... but so good for me. I find that it's a great hour or two to medicate on an idea and make something which is always a good idea.
Plus there is that old adage to do something creative every day that I never adopted but am enjoying quite a bit actually.
So there you are... wrapped up in a nice little bow.
Go read, make shit and cook something nice for the ones you love... it will make things right with the world.
PS I will post pictures of the cards when it's all done...
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