Friday, January 26, 2018

One of my pledges for the start of the year was to declutter

I have over 2000 saved articles in Feedly... my gawduh... that is some serious catching up to do.... so over the last few weeks I have been going through them and I have to sit back and take stock in what I thought was important say like 7 months ago.  It looks like Summer reading lists was big on my mind.  I have this sorta book club that started out strong... but I think we read the same book that we all wanted to and then it just say... pooped out.  I am not surprised.... I mean we all get busy but I am honest when I say I am bummed out a little bit.  I thought that it would be the way to reground our group's friendships and find some additional common ground but after that first book, we all kinda just went our different ways. 

So that was and is a bummer.

So today and tonite I am literally opening up the links that look interesting and if they are valuable to read later  (that it to me) I am putting them in a folder on my pinterest and then in a few weeks I will go and cull from there again.  

Tonite F has a show and I plan to go through old boots.  I have so many old pairs of shoes that I will never ever ever wear again that are in amazing shape.  I need to open up that space in my world and get rid of them.  One pair of boots I have been saving because (and I am serious here) I wore them to a retail store opening I was involved in, went to meet some friends after and then I went out of my comfort zone in a situation (it wasn't necessary a good thing but brave-ish I suppose) so they sit in my closet to remind me that I took a chance that evening.  So seriously... I have all this really awesome paper on a roll that I am going to use as a backdrop... take a picture... print it... label it ... frame it or make a printed book.. and send off to be reworn by someone new.... maybe they will their Brave Boots too....   Honestly declutter my world man.  

I was thinking about those boots the other day and thought ... wow they are hidden in the back of our closet and why?  Oh yeah "that night"... but why are they still in my closet... so I am going to unclutter all this stuff and the sentimental garbage is getting in the way of some things.  Yes it brings me joy and I am not doing the konmari method (seriously I read that book and wanted to punch myself in the face for reading it... it was annoying to me)... but I can find much more interestingness with the photo than anything for sure.

I am also going through clothes.  I am sucking it up and admiting to myself I will never ever ever be a size 10 pant again.  Ever.  I just can't starve myself like I did then to get to that size.  The size 10 skirts are never going to fit. The size medium shirts are not either.  Pictures too are going to be made tonite.  Square format.  Large resolution.  It just has to be done.  

I have over 100 shoe boxes , the clear kind, in my upstairs closet that I am never going to use... out.  I don't think I will take pictures of those though.

It will be my project tonite after I get rid of like 100 more saved articles.  

By the way, I have some big emotional shit going on right now.  I am tender.  I am worried about family.  So flippin worried.  Everything will be fine I hope but I am being tender with my memories too because it's all so precarious.  I am totally being vague but that is playing into some of this purging I have going on and wanted that noted.  

Have a great weekend.... 

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