Wednesday, November 24, 2021

NOT a book with any substance which Punk Rock really is: Crime and Punkishment

Whoa… this book was just 100% shite.  Sorry but it’s true.  My review on Goodreads was a little kinder, but here is where I am putting it all out there. Shite.  I do NOT want to read about people that I don’t know writing a 150 word essay on the drugs that they did in the 80s.  Drugs have NOTHING to do with punk rock. Sorry but no.  I was hardcore serious punk rock and barely drank in my most hardcore years.  So in my humble opinion this book missed the mark for sure.

Want to know about the essay from Rodney at the Roq?  Yeah it’s the opening essay and maybe perhaps less than a page.  SUPER bummed and misled.  Which I suppose is punk rock in a Sex Pistols in San Francisco kind of way. There is a picture of some lady who ran a video show with John Lydon smiling -ish so I think that is why I post that.  

I read about half the book, and just now, thought … wow this book sucks, why am I hoping that it will get better? So I shut ‘er down.  

There are much better books about punk rock in LA out there… 

These are two for instance.

If you want to read my kinder / gentler review:  

For additional great Punk Rock memory media:  I direct you to the I Turned out a Punk Podcast.  It is really great conversations about current and past punk rockers.  This weeks episode: Episode 377  is shared here. It’s with Jeff Tweedy (who I really like and admire - his autobiography is great, also watch I am Trying to Break Your Heart… it’s what made me realize he wasn’t just the on Tour With Billy Bragg guy).  

Anyways… the book referenced above at that top… not worth the two bucks or whatever I spent. But two stars for the effort the “author” put into putting it together.  I guess. 

Go listen to a pod or find a better movie out there… but don’t spend your hard earned cash on crap.  

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