So this book just came up at the perfect time for me... I am in the middle of a bit of a lifestyle change (meaning I have less time to fart around in the kitchen) and I thought that I would consider meal prep as a way to get around that fussy time every day that is pre-making dinner to eating dinner. I have been a fan of Tracy Benjamin for a gabillion eons (and she seems to have mastered the process). I am not that organized.
So when this book came up as a "maybe you will like this book" option I thought... wow, from the cover it sure looks like it will be a meal prep book. Weeeeeellllllllll kinda sorta. Not saying I didn't gleen anything from this book. I mean I guess I did. I learned a little bit about where my fridge fan is, why not to block it when filling my fridge with food and condiments etc. I also learned how the air moves thorugh my fridge design to keep my food cold. That was absolutely 100% incredibly fascinating.
I didn't honestly prior to reading this book give this much of thought whatsoever. So it was really a very cool thing to learn.
The first 1/3rd of the book I guess is how a fridge (and probably your model design) operates, how to maximize it so that there is less waste of energy and resources. It was interesting for sure. The next third has a great breakdown of how to store your produce. Valuable information for sure. But not really what I was looking for. It's good information for sure, but not what I was looking for.
The pictures are very insta-pretty. Lots of rainbow set ups, not how I would fill my fridge, but pretty as hell to look at for sure.
The last part of the book is all recipes. It wasn't particularly any thing that I would actually make for us. Not that they didn't look good, but not something I would make that is for sure. I am not looking for a diet of vegan foods, which all these are. So while thumbing through it I just quickly moved through.
The author has a blog and the book is friendly and written like a blog which was not surprising at all. Her instagram is from what I can tell the source for this book. As it should be.
Did I like this book? Yes. Was it interesting? Yes. Would I suggest it... maybe. If you are looking for a recipe book with a little information about how your fridge works. Was it what I was looking for? Not at all.
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