Sunday, March 28, 2021

Do you want to cook from a really amazing cookbook? Julia Turshen's cookbook Simply Julia is simply amazing...

 In this pandemic world I have spent every night (barring some takeout) mostly cooking through my pinterest saved links. I heard a podcast with Julia Turshen (sadly honestly I can't remember which one... sorry) and immediately just fell in love with her.  I now subscribe to her podcast and eagerly listened to all the episodes.  

My new favorite cookbook

When I saw that God's Love We Deliver was doing an online promotion with her I didn't hesitate for a minute to sign up.  The session was revolutionary to me.  (Liz Alpern's questions were amazing... I learned so much from Liz too, how to ask great questions that are intuitive and interesting... make a donation to GLWD or your local Medically Tailored Meals organization so that these organizations can continue to do the good that they do).  I seriously was so very glad that I ordered the cookbook along with the session   I do also encourage you to if you can volunteer as well... and another aside... I have added Liz Alpern's book to my wishlist as well, it too looks great). I have, will and do make birthday cards for my local organization, as soon as I get the vaccine I am going to do what I can to volunteer in the building again.  

Y'all... this's so good.  

I had to step out of my comfort zone of cooking from a cookbook.  I have a library in my pantry of over 50 cookbooks but really I don't necessarily cook from them directly.  I have them there as a resource for ideas, because sometimes I just need an idea.  

Until now.  I have made five recipes so far.  Each one absolutely has been great. There are over 100 more that I am excited to cook.  I am literally cooking from the start to the finish with one interlude to make the Sled Dog Muffins (which were amazing and I am making again... just waiting for the banana to ripen).  There are so many ways to adopt the frame of the recipe and make it your own... for instance: I didn't have chia seeds for the muffins... I used an egg... totally worked!  I am comfortable to change that up because in the talk I was so fortunate to be an observer in she said it was ok.  In fact, she encourages it.  And it's a simple ... Simply Julia... joy.  

One of the things that I really have loved in watching this book take hold around the internet - a - verse, and Ms. Turshen's reaction to people's photos and zhuging is that she is encouraging of additions and substitutions... what author does that?  Certainly none that I have ever seen before.  Ms. Turshen reposts people's pictures on HER instagram stories, which honestly slays.  A few times this week she has been on instalive promoting her book and sharing the joy of it.  It's been a delight to see pop up now and again throughout the week.  I have a couple saved so that I can watch undisturbed later.  

She also loves her lists, which I personally adore about this as well. There are real nuggets of great information and inspiration... don't forgo reading the stories in the recipe header, they are charming a.f. and have some really great tips, tricks and offerings.  

Ps every recipe I have made is amazing. I can’t say that for other cookbooks to be honest. I have made the sled dog muffins twice and omg THE best. I rarely if ever make anything more than once because I just move on. But this is a return to if I can say so. It’s really a great cookbook! 

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