Saturday, September 19, 2020

I have kinda had it... too much pressure....

There is too much pressure.  

I decided at the start of 2020 that I was going to try to read and review a book every 10 days or so.  

Nope. Not going to do it, not going to make it and not putting that kind of pressure on myself for that. I am also at this time not going to do any ARCs.  I totally love and appreciate all the opportunities that I have been given by the publishers in the past that graciously let me review. Really truly. It was such a gift.  But so much pressure to live under (yes it's totally self made) and I can't live right now under that hammer for a while (even though it's of my own making).

I have to read for my pleasure.  Not that the other wasn't but there was the pressure to review and post all over the place.  I lost track of why I love to read a little bit. 

I can not wait to just read ... to read... 

PS please make sure you vote.  please. 

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