Friday, June 12, 2020

Wear your mask... for f sake already.

This is has been such an emotionally difficult couple of weeks for me.  On the pandemic front I work for a medical company and I struggle along with my compatriots on the front lines, I watch the numbers, I literally obsess about the numbers.  I watch them go up, then down than up again, for those infected and passing away.  It's a huge drain.  About three weeks ago I stopped watching the numbers.  Honestly I thought it would make me feel better. It didn't.  I just didn't watch the numbers but I knew that they were changing.  I won't work in the office yet, I am in a risk category.  A minor one but I do smoke and it's a two-fer of risk factors.  My head isn't in the sand by any means.  But even not watching the numbers has been emotionally hard on me.

Then my soul has been broken by the Black Lives Matter movement happening in our country. Honestly I can't imagine or even dream what my fellow humans are even remotely going through or have been.  Keep this in mind. They are risking EVERYTHING right now to go out and protest so that black people are treated fair, respected and not treated as anything but HUMAN by the mere authority that they are trying to fix the relationship with. That is the sign of an abuse.  It's got to stop.  It. Has. Got. To. Stop.  Our fellow humans can't escape the abusive partner in this relationship because the partner is the one source that is supposed to help. 

Can you imagine?  Everything. Those folks on the front line too are risking everything.  Beyond their health.  There are some companies that will fire those marching because they are talking their truth.  Yes, too their health.  It is amazing.  And brave and sadly beyond any measure but so very necessary. 

Please please please understand that of our fellow humans are out there making necessary change in this world. Love on them. Treat them with love.  Help us all in humanity be better. 

And when they say Defund the Police, it speaks to defunding the militarization of the police and funding the social changes that need to be addressed. Our police officers should NOT be social workers, EMTs, school counselors, psychiatric triage nurses, dog catchers, neighbor dispute resolvers.  They should be PEACE officers.  They should not be the folks that walk in alone to situations that they haven't been trained for.  Community Resource officers should go with them.  They should work together and be part of the solution not the problem and this is what defund the police means (at least that is what I gotten out of what I have read... if it means something else, I would love to know).  And I whole heartily agree with this.  I have a friend (or actually friends) who are cops and their job sucks.  I went on a ride along maybe 15 years ago... went on a welfare check to a house and it was horrible what my friend had to deal with.  If there was another compassionate healthcare worker along side my friend, the situation would have been very different from the outset.  The person in crisis probably wouldn't have been in crisis honestly.  So yes, defund the police... fund partners in health man.  Mental and Physical.  Lets work together to make a better future.  It can happen.  All I know is I am just broken.   I am not sure how this really relates to much of anything that I can do except write about it.  Document what I know. 

But I am sorely broken and trying to fix my heart right now.

Go Do Some Good..... Love Wins.

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