Here Goes Nothing by Eamon McGrath
This book interweaves tales of musicians on the road and a band later (oh and some surfing). Two different time lines intertwine and bring forth a magical tale.
REALLY enjoyed this book. I know musicians who have had the van life, I have always secretly wanted to go out on the road with some band. But one: I have no musical talent and two: ew stinky boys in a van... so it's never actually never worked out for me.
This was a peak behind the curtain further in a tour beyond going to a green room and drinking band's PBRs out of the band beer bucket (just one... since the merch gal really needs to respect the bands beers).
There is a bit of the story that takes you inside a perfect wave that is magnificent to read. I never was that great of a surfer to be in a curl. It's obvious the author has and put me in that wave. It was incredible.
The story moves back and forth between a couple of narratives that sometimes is a little confusing but then again, time stops and starts when you are on tour. So that fits this design of how the book is written.
I really don't want to give anything away about the intertwine but it was worth it.
Its complex for sure.
A quick easy and enjoyable read. It was a great follow up to the previous book that was less than enjoyable.
I was able to read a chapter or so each night before bed and honestly... it was a really nice escape before going to bed.
A great quick and light read for sure....
Also note that it's more poignant to read about Paraguay, Spain, United States, Canada and Van Life in general with a band(s) on the road with these characters. They are obviously living their lives in a world that right now at least is so vastly different than ours the readers currently. It was a great escape into a world and situations that have been and may from here on out be very different, and it was a joy. They are out in the world, traversing it without masks, social distancing and all the issues that currently befall us as readers during this time. It was a great escape.
I am not compensated for the review nor the link... just know I enjoyed it so very much, it was a great ride along with a group of people that I otherwise would never be able to hang out with. Thanks go out to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to read the galley and preview copy. It was a fun one.
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