Friday, February 05, 2021

Broken by Jenny Lawson....with some updates (see the bottom)


y'all.... so I read on Jenny Lawson's blog (and insta) she was working on a book last summer.  My heart skipped a beat because honestly... you know I love me some Bloggess.  This lady... heart of hearts she is just beyond the best.  She is funny as fuck, honest as hell and kind as all get out.  She is the only reason some days that I log onto instagram because she truly makes me know that I am ok.  Not necessarily better but ok. She is a gift to the world.  I know sometimes it isn't easy for her and this book spells that out and some of the things she was going through at the time to be a little better.  I cried.  There you are.  

I remember getting her book Furiously Happy  through a kindle sale years ago - wow just looked it up and it was 2015 - and thought sure, why not... could be good. Sorry ... could be good it was great. I have literally been in heart with her since.  I joined all the things, posted comments in her blog, shared emails with some people there, sent cards on holidays to other fans and generally have been a fan girl in the biggest of ways.  We even had her book as a Punk Rock Book Club pick of the month (or of the entire club actually... we made it through one book).  It was all about reading the book, not really getting together or talking about it... just knowing we were sharing great books, something that I think Jenny Lawson would approve of. No need to meet up about it.  Ew.  
I have all the things.  I even invited her family to breakfast in my town when she was here and said that I would totally sit at another table so they didn't have to talk to me but they were already on the road.  I would have totally bought them breakfast while not facing their table.  It's an open invite and promise.

So thanks to Henry Holt and Company I have been able to review an advance copy. Thank you thank you thank you.  Trust me I will buy the hard copy too only because this book is amazing, true and really great. 

So some things to know about this book - 
  • it's scheduled for sale (as of now) April 7th - go to Nowhere Books to buy it from her (did you know she owns a bookstore... you are welcome... buy your books from independent sellers please)
  • watch the blogs for preorder magic I am sure there are things on deck
  • if you want to watch a video of Jenny reading from the manuscript watch these readings she did a while back - the videos should embed below

  • there is an audio book that will be available and Jenny Lawson reads it.  
Ok on to the good stuff.

Things you will enjoy reading about:
  • losing a shoe and what it possibly means for all those shoes you see on the side of the road
  • how Jenny manages the health care system (I read this and was ashamed for the industry that I used to work in... I was blind to how tremendously awful it can be to navigate... but now I know and can help... let me know)
  • keto diets suck (I basically have to live that way too and it's meh)
  • laughter will help you survive nearly anything
  • marriage is hard but also really hilarious
  • each chapter is it's own nugget of knowledge and humor
Jenny Lawson doesn't have it easy.  But she really does have a great way of looking at life and it's such a message to us all. We are not alone when we struggle.  I have also learned that along the way of being a fan of hers.  I certainly have found the best message is that if you are kind and share your story it's a winning proposition. This book is about truth in finding humor in your life.  It's a great reminder.  

OH also Jenny Lawson is an artist.   She made you this:  (PS this is a link to the post on her blog... go back through the blog... it doesn't disappoint). 

When this book comes out... buy it. Follow the link above to pre-order.

It's sometimes an easy read. It's sometimes difficult. But it doesn't disappoint.  This is a book that will make you laugh out loud, cry a little and probably think about how you are feeling right now.  It's so good y'all. I can't wait to read it again and again.   Self help it is not but it does help the self, if that makes any sense... it's so funny and so sad but so awesome.  How many books can you say that about?  

2/18/2021 UPDATE:


Here is a graphic direct from Jenny Lawson herself... for her 2021 book tour, she is going to be talking about the book with some really impressive authors... see if there is one you are interested in! PS it comes with a bookplate or signed book :)

Here is her instagram link

And here is the link to the clickthroughs for the book tour! 


So I told you there are some cool ass things on the horizon right?

Here is one more! Pre-order your Broken book, it will be signed and you will be able to get some cross stitch patterns (as a partnership with the so sweet and so amazing, Subversive Cross Stitch).  Honestly this may be the BEST and coolest book tie in I have ever seen.  And I have seen some promotional tie ins that were pretty awesome.  Here is a link from Jenny Lawson herself with more information!

Update again... I love Jenny Lawson so much.
Her book comes out tomorrow and I want to just post this link -added from my phone because it’s not going to matter if I format it... or not. This book is delightful  and that post sum it all up...I can’t wait for the tour on Friday.

By the way Jenny I still stand by my breakfast offer... and I won’t even try to sit at the same table. You probably could handle the company. I would be freaking out. 

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