Monday, November 01, 2010

So it's NaBloPoMo. I may be able to keep up with the daily update, I might not. I will give it a serious try.


I leave to go to New York in a few days. What has me the most concerned is the fact that I think I am wholely unprepared for... get this... what to wear. I know what I will wear to Pee Wee Herman on Broadway. That is all good, figured that out. Classy black dress but the rest of the trip? I have NO clue and it's making me crazy. But... I know that most of the time we will be super casual which is bonus.

Tomorrow is the election and I have to say... this doesn't seem like the result will be good. BUT I will be THRILLED to have this whole thing over. The five robo calls tonite alone will come to an end, the commercials can go back to pharma erection advertisements. I have never thought that I would actually look forward to a Cialis ad more than now. But the political ads are beyond frustrating. And I am over them.

Had a great Halloween, didn't really dress up big time for the days but tried. Sorta. A Pink Wig was about the best that I could do.

Also during November I am going to attempt heartily to read at least an hour before I go to bed. That might be a goal that is better attempted than posting all month. Either way I am on a journey which is awesome and so very exciting and I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.

Currently Reading: Things the Grandchildren Should Know by Mark Oliver Everett

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