Saturday, September 13, 2008

While F is up at Monolith today and tonite working I am hanging out at home and about to head to the Rock for Mike Brainefet (part deaux) (Boss 302 is playing at the Skylark) although I am about an hour behind in my picnic makin' fixings for my trek to Monolith tomorrow. I still have pasta salad to make and fruit to cut since it had to be pre-cut before you go in.... knives being weapons and all. Because hippies at an environmentally freindly venue and show can get frisky. Anyways.... making turkey, avocado and brie on wheat croissants for dinner, with pasta salad (salami, pesto, sun dried tomatos and roasted pine nuts). I have chocolate chip cookies with espresso for dessert and fruit. I am slicing up some oranges and will go and pick some mint tomorrow morning for water breaks. F will be VERY glad he asked me to go up he will eat good at least. I am going to feed the heck out of him. I even got him energy bars for a mid afternoon stair running break.

Screw it, I am going to cook and watch Mad Men. I have been waiting to savour a little marathon and now I am given the opportunity. I will slice fruit between episodes.

I will clean a little bit around here as well.

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