Thursday, August 14, 2008

I can say it outloud I guess.  I am back to the drawing board workwise, no wait... this sounds bad... I still have MY job... my boss though quit on Monday.  Well resigned, quit, turned in his notice, left us hanging, made a stupid move, whatever.  Basically this is exactly what happened two years ago right before our big event remember?  I am happy for my boss, but holy crap timing COULD NOT BE WORSE. That being said... I will be allowed to make some of the decisions that I have to without having to defer to him for anything.  I will be able to design the program meals and events in a way that is far less cheestastic than it would have been.  I am though completely pissed that we are going so over the top and I am stuck holding the bag for the choices that he made and is not going to be around to defend.

I was insecure as hell all week about a basket full of stuff and now I can completely understand why and what I can blame <i> that </i> on.  I stopped taking the Wellbutrin for the smoking cessation.  It was important to not rely on it and it did do it's magical job and got me over the hump of cravings and misery so I am thankful, but I don't like the idea of being on mood drugs.  So getting off and having the stuff dump off my blood level was hard man.  As maniac and wide awake as I was going ON the stuff... completely the opposite coming OFF.  Sluggish and moody and paranoid.  I think I have two more days of not feeling like me again and I am gladly back to me again.  I can not wait.

And this is really sad news.  When I worked down on Wynkoop I had to walk by Rockmount almost daily (either to go to the architect, the blueprinter, Chipotle) since Wazee was a block up.  Once I went in just to see what was up and to stall having to go back to the office right away.  There Jack was working, this was maybe 6 or 7 years ago.  He asked me what I was looking for and I said that I didn't know I just wandered in.  He was really nice and almost had me convinced that I needed a western shirt.  Almost.  I walked out of there smiling though with a note that he put into my pocket and told me "not to read until later... much later", which I read a couple days later in fact.  It said to smile everyday and be glad to be able to.  You know... he was right and I try to follow that mantra.  Thank you Ms. Calhoun for a nice eulogy... it sure is fitting.

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