Sunday, January 27, 2008

Went out and ran errands today.

Sang to Eleanor Rigby on the radio I am sure off key.

Talked about human anthropology in a post industrial time with a clerk at a store, he was really funny too by the way and engaging with every customer that came up to that counter. I might have to call the store manager and tell them how nice that was, usually the diseffected youth working at this hipster chain are less than interested in having any conversation and this guy was really interesting .

Drank good coffee but not really great coffee since I am burning off stuff people gave me for the holidays.

Bought the good bagels and challah rolls.

Laughed out loud to Family Guy tonite.

Went to the Sundance store.

I cleaned a little bit and planned out the movies I want to see at the Denver Jewish Film Festival (I will post more tomorrow).

Made a great dinner since I didn't go out.

Talked with Weird D tonite and for the record she wasn't as weird as usual. She offered me potatoes though but I didn't take any because I never am home to cook anymore and I said I was afraid that I wouldn't use them.

Finished setting up PC (its back) and I think I am basically going to just use it as a file server and that is it. I am though just a little annoyed because PC came back with one less cd drive than it left the house with. Oops. But it was Frankensteined for free so I can't be too picky and there is a writable drive in there so its just going to take one more step should I want to copy a cd I suppose....upload than download.

Watched ice skating too. Yeah... I did... whatchogunnasay?

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