Friday, February 10, 2006

Frog cakes from King Soopers a million years ago

When I was a kid until say like Junior High, King Soopers used to make these crazy frosting filled cupcakes that looked like frogs. I really honestly could have sworn that they were just a figment of Kings Soopers making. Nope.

Here is a picture from a bakery in NY... and the link that took me basically where I needed to be to know I wasn't the only one that loved them.

Now I just have to find a way to make Kings make them again. Sooooo sugarie fantastic. Everyone is so hot on fondant I want to bash their ever stinking heads in. It wasn't at all fondant but a green (bright green) Petit Four Frosting. But it was all about the pink frosting underneath. Aparantly it was to be flavored like almond, to me it was just pink sugary goodness. It just tasted sweet and that is all we cared about.

I now know that somewhere out there someone makes them still and that brings great joy to my heart, that some little girl will have her Mom bring home one of those suckers, slice it straight down the middle and let you know with that frosting filled half frog, love can be bought by frosting.


Anonymous said...

I too, remember these. They were green for awhile and then they added a chocolate frog. They were so good for a quick sugar rush. I could never eat a whole one in one sitting. I did ask Kings about these and no one at my local store was around back when they made them. I wonder if they have the recipe archived somewhere. I would love for them to be made here again. They were so fun!!!!

Nothing to fear but fear itself? said...

Yeah.. It was all about the pink sugar rush... They came mostly (on the outside) in Green but also yellow, pink & a dark brown (a different color frosting in the dark brown?).... I used to buy 'day olds' for half price... was it a super thick buttercream inside??? Many a day I have wanted these again...

Unknown said...

My cousin and I used to ride to King Soopers on our bicycles about five blocks from her house. We were about seven or eight. We would head srraight for the bakery and get two frogs, one for each of us. As soon as we got close to her house on the way home, we would drop our bikes on the ground and gorge on these AMAZING FROGS, like some junkies who needed a "sugar fix".
What happened King's? Bring back the GREEN FROGS!!

Anonymous said...

I spoke to a baker in my old king soopers who remembered the frogs and she told me that she thinks the baker at the central bakery died and took thr recipie with him.I actually drew a diagram of how they are made but the weren't willing to try it.

Anonymous said...

Me too!! loved those things. I lived out of town and my sister would bring them home on holidays!! Bring them back!!!

Unknown said...

Yep. Back in the day, my mom would bring my sister and me each a frog to slowly, bit by bit, ingest so as to prolong the ecstasy of the experience. This always occurred on Friday evenings, where we would both delight in back to back Love Boat and Fantasy Island episodes. Ah, the late 70's in Boulder. Smiles, everybody, smiles!

Zoe said...

@Jeffrey Moore: I am excited to say that because of your kind comment it was a reminder to investigate further and find someone that can ship them or make them.... always a treat they were... and PS the Fantasy Island remembrance absolutely made me smile.

Unknown said...

I loved these as a kid and I was probably the only white kid who went to the King Soopers in Aurora off of Montview and Clinton? The store was inside the strip mall? Anyway the frogs in the photo are not the same as the frosting frogs at Kings. The frogs at Kings still remain in my head and were chocolate brown and shamrock green with the yellow and pink at Easter time. The eyes were on the sides, not close together, and they had a small red jellylike tongue tip on the top. I ate 3 of these for lunch one day and puked, good times.

Judd in Texas

Unknown said...

I am to looking for them I remember my brothers and I would go to the bakery for the frogs every Saturday the pink cream was to die for, somebody from King soopers has to bring them back everything else comes back.

Anonymous said...

I remember them too.

Unknown Soldier said...

Those are obviously the cookie monster. No frog ever looked like that.

Now for something relevant. Markdowns on the shelf that ring up full price at the register. Is this intentional? Are they betting you won't stop the presses, just for your silly $2 markdown? Well they bluffed and I always call. It's so beautiful to see the line of angry customers wrapping around back to the dairy department while the entire store staff tries to correct my markdown error.
I almost laughed today, but decided to get home alive.
