Sunday, June 30, 2024


Rebel Girl: My Life as a Feminist PunkRebel Girl: My Life as a Feminist Punk by Kathleen Hanna
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I picked up this book as a respite from another book that was challenging me. It was well worth it!

I have not been a Bikini Kill fan, I was a little late in the game to get into the band back in the day. Kathleen Hanna gets her due in this book. I loved the nugget sized chapters and appreciate how to the point and funny this woman is.

This really is no holds barred.
Kathleen Hanna writes from her heart which was the point of who she wanted to you to know more about by writing this book.

If you are wanting to read a book, a memoir, a tale of near success and survival... this is a great book for you.

I personally loved it! It came to me at a time that I needed it and if I were to run into Kathleen Hanna on the streets, I would for sure let her know that this was a great read.

She is hilarious, sad, fun, challenging, truthful and most of all far more endearing than I was lead to believe. Never judge a person / personality by what is forced down your perceptions people. She is one of a kind and to me in a fantastic way.

PS her editor Ada Calhoun wrote an amazing book. Look it up not going to take the shine off this book by linking... but it's really a delight as well.

View all my reviews

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